World Organisation for Scientific Cooperation
"Science Without Borders"
Mekhtiev Arif Shafayat
Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan,
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor,
Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan
Place of Birth: Baku city, Azerbaijan Republic;
Date of Birth: 19 December, 1934;
Education: Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of communications, (radio communication and broadcasting);
Scientific degree: Doctor of Sciences;
Title: Professor;
Speciality name: Physics of semi-conductors and dielectrics.
Awards: The winner of the State Award of the USSR, 1989; Glory award, 1979; The winner of the State Award of the Azerbaijan, 1990; The honoured worker of a science and technics of Azerbaijan, 1991; "Honor " Award, 2014.
He 1961-1965 of the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the USSR in Moscow and Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in the cities in the engineering and worked as a senior engineer. In 1966-1968 on behalf of the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute in St. Petersburg scientific mission has played a special role in its formation as a scientist.
In 1973, he was created by a decision of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, "Khazar", the deputy director for scientific affairs at the Center for Science, 1979-1982, established on the base in the center of the Space Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of Natural Resources worked as in 1982-1991, organized the new first deputy director of the Space Research Scientific and Production Association worked.
Arif Mehdiyev PhD in physics and mathematics in 1969, and in 1984 the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, in 1987 he received the title of professor.
In 1992, scientists at the Space Research Scientific and Production Association, based on the initiative of the National Space Agency was established and until 2003 served as the agency's first director general.
Arif Mehdiyev of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in 2001 and was elected vice-president.
Since 2002, the outstanding scientists of the National Aviation Academy, "Environment and aerospace monitoring" the department is headed.
Academic He also published more than 300 scientific papers, including more than 45 inventions. His scientific articles published in several international scientific journals and magazines and more than 100 scientific papers by scientists around the world have relied on.
Then, in 1979, "Honor" award, in 2009 by the decree of the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's "Glory" was awarded with the Order. Academician of the USSR in 1990 "Honored Worker of Science and Technology" has received the honorary title, in 1991, was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. He also won the title in 2004 Y.Mammadaliyev, erected in 2005, the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Federation of SKorolyov medal, the gold medal of the International Engineering Academy, International Academy of Engineering in 2011, "Engineering Glory" medal, 2013 in spite of the Academy, "" Engineering bravery was rewarded with a gold medal.
A substabtional contribution was made in developing of the methods and techniques of remote sensing, technology of remote and contact measurements of the natural objects parameters. He has worked out the main principles of the "Gunash" multilevel substabtellite experiments and took part in its realization in Azerbaijan in 1984 and later on in 1990 where the parameters of the natural objects at the chosen test-site (true sites) were measured from "Sojuz-11" space orbital station, onboard air-and helicopter's laboratory simultaneously with the ground mearsurements. Some aspects of methodology and software were developed for thematic interpretation and mapping based on the multispectral ari-and space images.
Academician of International Engineering Academy(Moscow), 1992
Member of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1996
Professor of "Information techonology" of the Azerbaijan Oil Academy, 1992-1998
Academician of International Academy of Science Health and Ecology, 2001(Innsbruck, Austria)